At Improved Processes, we understand that every business has different needs 

and these will change over time. We don't have a one approach fits all mindset 


The services we provide will be tailored to your needs, whilst maintaining quality and using tested methodologies, but in a clear and simple way - Change really doesn't need to be complex 





By working directly with your people, I will unlock their working knowledge as they're the experts in the tasks they complete day-to-day.


This invaluable knowledge is used to start creating detailed process maps that show every data flow, report, email, interaction - giving a full view of how all tasks interact with each other, the dependencies and any duplication.


Once I've created the detailed process map, 

I'll engage your people again to ensure they now understand the wider processes they are part of and... 

We start to remove silo's.


This is a very rewarding stage for the people doing the tasks - they get to see how their contributions feed into the business processes and helps to show them their true value to the business. 





Change Management

Now the Process Map is ready, we can look at the holistic view.


The review of the joined up processes is exciting - the teams get to see, in detail, what the people around them are doing, when, and how - this leads to the Design Thinking stage.


I'll run workshops where we can all discuss how things are currently being done. As we move through the workshops, we'll identify tasks that can be stopped - Quick Wins are great - they help people feel like they've already made change and making progress! 


it's very empowering for all People Start Protecting What They Build




Identifying Gaps in your Business

Now we've already made some changes, people are engaged and motivated. 

As Managers you should now have a much deeper understanding of your business operations.


Identifying gaps is the next focus. 


Review of the process mapping will highlight any gaps in the process flows.


Some gaps are often simple fixes - I will work with the teams to help them make these changes and ensure any changes are agreed, recorded and produced within specified timescales, so things don't drag on or lose focus. 


A simple project plan keeps everyone up to date, highlights responsibilities and goals.


We have the opportunity to capture any costs/time savings to show the level of value generate from the process.




Process Improvement

We have the opportunity to improve processes that are working fine, but could be better.


An example - someone updates an excel spreadsheet and sends it to a group of people, who in turn use that data. 

It's unlikely that the format is a perfect fit for every recipient, so we can examine what is a 'best fit' and make changes - simple changes that can save time and accuracy. 


The processes associated with updating and managing Sales systems, e.g. Salesforce - making sure that processes are improved and optimised to ensure that good goes in so great comes out.


Small changes add value and the small value adds soon mount up.


By capturing the time and cost saving efficiencies, Management will be able to put a £ value benefit to these changes.


The scope for improving processes is limitless and is a continuous processes.


I will train your teams take ownership of your processes and allow them to manage the existing processes, ensuring things don't go backwards




Larger or Complex Changes

We may identify that larger changes are needed, a better IT system for example, or there is a change needed in another department to allow your department to function better.


Project Plans will be created, detailing the stakeholders, costs, benefits and time required for successful change.


These will provide detailed stages, so the scope doesn't become overwhelming and keeps activities time-bound



We continue to use the same methodologies and tools but now we may need to source specific expertise and skills from within the business or if the required skills are not available, we look external. 


I have a varied network to cover most expert area's, to ensure the right people are part of the Project Team  



Credit Management Training

Understanding your Customer...


I provide Credit Training to Credit, Debt, Collection and Billing Analysts, (plus Managers), focusing on the 'Customer Journey'.


Allowing analysts to better understand how their actions, or in-actions impact the 'Customer'. 


The training is usually over 1 or 2 day's and is designed to link in with how your current credit operations are operating. Incorporating:


  • What If Scenario's

We look at the what if's for the customer and business, for example, when applications are processed or existing accounts fall delinquent.


  • Customer Journey

Highlight what a Customer looks like and who is our Customer.


  • Commercial Pragmatism

Credit vs Sales. Show how Credit and Sales can work together and become partners by embedding the Commercial Pragmatism mindset 


  • Security

Look at the different securities available and understand the Pro's and Con's

I can help to build you a new website to replace your existing one to create a brand new one from scratch.


Handle the setup of new domain names or transfer existing to a new host.


Setup new email accounts, linked to your domain.




Create new social media accounts and business pages, then link to your new website. (Can also link existing accounts).


Create SEO for your new site.


Website content - I can use the content you provide or can also create copy for you (or a combination of both)


Can create new logo's or use existing.



Small Business Website Builds

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